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Click the recycle symbol (♻ ♲ ♺ ♳ ♴ ♵ ♶ ♷ ♸ ♹ ♼ ♽ ↺ ♻️ 💚 🌲 🔁 🔄 ⚛️) to copy and paste it on Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, TikTok, Skype, Facebook, WhatsApp, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram and more.
Recycle Symbol Copy
Quick Recycle Symbol Table
# | Format | Code |
1 | Unicode | U+267B |
2 | CSS Code | \267B |
3 | HTML Entity | ♻ ♻ |
4 | Quick Copy |
All Recycle Symbols Copy
Free Icons | Vector Download
Logo | Name | High-Res (5000×5000) | Original (500×500) | Vector |
Recycle-Emoji-Symbol-01 | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | .pdf | .svg | |
Recycle-Emoji-Symbol-02 | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | .pdf | .svg | |
Recycle-Emoji-Symbol-03 | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | .pdf | .svg | |
Recycle-Emoji-Symbol-04 | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | .pdf | .svg | |
Recycle-Emoji-Symbol-05 | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | .pdf | .svg | |
Recycle-Emoji-Symbol-06 | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | .pdf | .svg | |
Recycle-Emoji-Symbol-07 | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | .pdf | .svg |
Quick Table
# | Emoji | Name | Unicode | HTML Code |
1 |
| Recycling Symbol | U+267B | ♻ |
2 |
| Universal Recycling Symbol | U+2672 | ♲ |
3 |
| Recycling Symbol for Paper | U+267A | ♺ |
4 |
| Recycling Symbol for Type-1 Plastics | U+2673 | ♳ |
5 |
| Recycling Symbol for Type-2 Plastics | U+2674 | ♴ |
6 |
| Recycling Symbol for Type-3 Plastics | U+2675 | ♵ |
7 |
| Recycling Symbol for Type-4 Plastics | U+2676 | ♶ |
8 |
| Recycling Symbol for Type-5 Plastics | U+2677 | ♷ |
9 |
| Recycling Symbol for Type-6 Plastics | U+2678 | ♸ |
10 |
| Recycling Symbol for Type-7 Plastics | U+2679 | ♹ |
11 |
| Recycled Paper Symbol | U+267C | ♼ |
12 |
| Recycling Symbol with the Earth | U+267D | ♽ |
13 |
| Counterclockwise Open Circle Arrow | U+21BA | ↺ |
14 |
| Clockwise Open Circle Arrow | U+21BB | ↻ |
15 |
| Clockwise Arrow with Plus | U+2940 | ⥀ |
16 |
| Clockwise Gapped Circle Arrow | U+27F3 | ⟳ |
17 |
| Clockwise Open Circle Arrow with Plus | U+293F | ⤿ |
18 |
| Counterclockwise Arrow | U+21B6 | ↶ |
19 |
| Green Heart | U+1F49A | 💚 |
20 |
| Evergreen Tree | U+1F332 | 🌲 |
21 |
| Repeat Button | U+1F501 | 🔁 |
22 |
| Counterclockwise Arrows Button | U+1F504 | 🔄 |
23 |
| Atom Symbol | U+269B | ⚛️ |
24 |
| Litter in Bin Sign | U+1F6AE | 🚮 |
25 |
| No Littering | U+1F6AF | 🚯 |
26 |
| Recycling Symbol with Variation | U+267B | ♻️ |
27 |
| Repeat Single Button | U+1F503 | 🔃 |
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