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The backtick (`) is often used to format code in markdown and programming, making text stand out as code. It’s usually found on the same key as the tilde (~).
Click on the backtick symbol (`) to copy and paste it into your document or share it on Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, Reddit, Instagram, Skype, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and more.

Backtick Symbol Copy
Quick Backtick Symbol Table
# | Format | Code |
1 | Unicode | U+0060 |
2 | Alt Code | 96 |
3 | CSS Code | \0060 |
4 | HTML Entity | `, ` |
5 | Quick Copy |
All Backtick Symbol Copy

Quick Table
Number | Symbol | Name | Unicode | HTML Code |
1 |
| Backtick | U+0060 | ` |
2 |
| Tilde | U+007E | ~ |
3 |
| Exclamation Mark | U+0021 | ! |
4 |
| At Symbol | U+0040 | @ |
5 |
| Hash | U+0023 | # |
6 |
| Dollar Sign | U+0024 | $ |
7 |
| Percent Sign | U+0025 | % |
8 |
| Caret | U+005E | ^ |
9 |
| Ampersand | U+0026 | & |
10 |
| Asterisk | U+002A | * |
11 |
| Hyphen | U+002D | - |
12 |
| Underscore | U+005F | _ |
13 |
| Equal Sign | U+003D | = |
14 |
| Plus Sign | U+002B | + |
15 |
| Left Square Bracket | U+005B | [ |
16 |
| Right Square Bracket | U+005D | ] |
17 |
| Left Curly Brace | U+007B | { |
18 |
| Right Curly Brace | U+007D | } |
19 |
| Vertical Bar | U+007C | | |
20 |
| Backslash | U+005C | \ |
Free Icons | Vector Download
Logo | Name | High-Res (5000×5000) | Original (500×500) | Vector |
![]() | Backtick-Symbol-01 | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | transparent.png | .jpg | .png | .pdf | .svg |
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